
Answering your frequently asked questions

Get the information you need about the Oncoguard® Liver solution

exs-lvr-icon-populationIntended Use Population/ Test Performance / Warnings and Precautions

exs-lvr-icon-test-performanceTest Performance


exs-lvr-icon-pc-arrowAccount set up/Test ordering/Supplies

exs-lvr-icon-test-tubesSample collection

exs-lvr-icon-reportResult Reporting

exs-lvr-icon-scienceInterpretation of results in clinical practice

exs-lvr-icon-supportPatient Engagement Program

exs-lvr-icon-billingCoverage and Billing

References: 1. Benson AB, 3rd, D'Angelica MI, Abbott DE, et al. NCCN Guidelines Insights: Hepatobiliary Cancers, Version 1.2020. J Natl Compr Canc Netw. 2020;15(5):563-573. 2. Heimbach JK, Kulik LM, Finn RS, et al. AASLD guidelines for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatology. 2018;67(1):358-380. 3. Marrero JA, Kulik LM, Sirlin CB, et al. Diagnosis, Staging, and Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: 2018 Practice Guidance by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. Hepatology. 2018;68(2):723-750. 4. Habib ZA. Maternal serum alpha-feto-protein: its value in antenatal diagnosis of genetic disease and in obstetrical-gynaecological care. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand Suppl. 1977;61:1-92. 5. Chalasani NP, Porter K, Bhattacharya A, Book AJ, Neis BM, Xiong KM, Ramasubramanian TS, Edwards V DK, Chen I, Johnson S, Roberts LR, Kisiel JB, Reddy KR, Singal AG, Olson MC, Bruinsma JJ, Validation of a novel multi-target blood test shows high sensitivity to detect early-stage hepatocellular carcinoma, Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology (2021)