Liver cancer is the fastest growing cause of cancer-related death in the United States.
Beyond 2035, it is expected to surpass colorectal and breast cancer to be the third leading cause of cancer-related death.1
Outcomes for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the most common type of liver cancer, are improved with early-stage detection. However, most cases of HCC are detected in late stages when curative treatments are no longer an option.2,3
Routine surveillance to find early-stage HCC in at-risk patients is the key to giving these patients the chance they each deserve at successful, even curative treatment. However, conventional assessment for HCC is often suboptimal, and far too many patients at risk for HCC do not adhere to guideline-recommended surveillance.2,4
A meta-analysis of 32 studies found that using both ultrasound and alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) detected early-stage HCC with only 63% sensitivity, and 47% sensitivity with ultrasound alone.
Undertaking surveillance with AFP alone missed most early-stage disease.5
A meta-analysis assessing patient adherence to HCC surveillance found that surveillance utilization is estimated at 24%.4

Exactly the right solution for at-risk patients
With a comprehensive approach to HCC detection in mind, the Oncoguard® Liver solution was designed to bring better outcomes within reach for more patients at risk for HCC.

The Oncoguard® Liver solution is exactly what’s needed to bridge gaps in HCC detection

For healthcare providers
The Oncoguard® Liver solution offers a powerful combination of performance, accessibility, and adherence support for a streamlined approach to HCC detection.
Learn about the science, applicability, and logistics of the Oncoguard® Liver solution.

For patients
If you have a liver condition and your doctor believes you would benefit from careful watching for early signs of liver cancer, there is a simple blood test that can help provide clear answers.
Learn about the process of getting the Oncoguard® Liver test and what the results could mean for you.