When liver cancer does occur, there is a close connection between how advanced it is and the expected outcome.1 The odds of successful treatment are most favorable when the cancer is found in early stages, before it spreads. This is why early detection is so important.2
An early warning system is in place to help

If you have risk factors for liver cancer such as cirrhosis, your doctor may recommend ongoing testing.3 Tests are ordered to identify those who need more involved (confirmatory) testing, such as imaging tests or biopsies.
The benefit of ongoing testing is early detection
If your doctor has recommended careful watching for liver cancer and ordered tests, it is important to understand why the testing is important.6 Fundamentally, the purpose of ongoing testing is to find the cancer early, when the chance of successful treatment is greatest. When cancer is detected in later stages it is harder to get under control and has worse outcomes.3

Early detection is the key. Today there is a new way to help detect liver cancer—the Oncoguard® Liver solution. This solution includes a single, convenient blood test and a program to help patients stay up-to-date with testing. The benefit of the Oncoguard® Liver solution is its proven ability to help find liver cancer at an early stage of disease.
The Oncoguard® Liver solution. Exactly what’s needed today.
Learn about a new way to detect liver cancer.
The term liver cancer is used to represent the most common form of liver cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).
References: 1. Siegel RL, Miller KD, Jemal A. Cancer statistics, 2020. CA Cancer J Clin. 2020;70(1):7-30. 2. National Cancer Institute. Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program. Cancer stat facts: liver and intrahepatic bile duct cancer. Accessed April 18, 2024. https://seer.cancer.gov/statfacts/. 3. Marrero JA, Kulik LM, Sirlin CB, et al. Diagnosis, staging, and management of hepatocellular carcinoma: 2018 practice guidance by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. Hepatology. 2018;68(2):723-750. 4. Singal AG, Pillai A, Tiro J. Early detection, curative treatment, and survival rates for hepatocellular carcinoma surveillance in patients with cirrhosis: a meta-analysis. PLoS Med. 2014;11(4):e1001624.1-20. 5. Choi DT, Kum HC, Park S, et al. Hepatocellular carcinoma screening is associated with increased survival of patients with cirrhosis. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019;17(5):976-987.e4. 6. National Cancer Institute website. Liver (hepatocellular) cancer screening (PDQ®)—patient version. Updated March 22, 2019. Accessed April 18, 2024. https://www.cancer.gov/types/liver/patient/liver-screening-pdq